MA477 - Theory and Applications of Data Science


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Course Calendar
Course Guide

Lecture Notes

Lesson 1 -General Overview
Lesson 2 -Intro to NumPy
Lesson 3 -Intro to Pandas
Lesson 4 -Matplotlib
Lesson 5 -Seaborn
Lesson 6 -KNN Regressor
Lesson 7 -Linear Regression
Lesson 8 -Cross-Validation
Lesson 9 -Shrinkage Methods
Lesson 10 -KNN Classifier
Lesson 11 -Logistic Regression
Lesson 12 -Lab
Lesson 13 -Naive Bayes Classifier
Lesson 14 - n-Grams & Regular Expressions
Lesson 15 - Tokenization & Speech Tagging
Lesson 16 - Classifying Names by Gender
Lesson 17 - Decision Trees
Lesson 18 - Random Forests
Lesson 19 - Voting Classifier & Bagging
Lesson 20 - Boosting Models (AdaBoost)
Lesson 21 - K Means Clustering
Lesson 22 - Data Pre-processing with K-Means Clustering
Lesson 22 - Image Segmentation with K-Means Clustering
Lesson 23 - Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Lesson 24 - Artificial Neural Networks (Part 1)
Lesson 25 - Artificial Neural Networks (Part 2)
Lesson 26/27 - A 2-Layer Neural Network

Video Lectures

Lecture Video Link
Decision Trees for Classification and Regression Lesson 17 - Decision Trees
Ensemble Models: Random Forests Lesson 18 - Random Forests
Ensemble Models: Voting Classifier Lesson 19 - Voting Classifier
Ensemble Models: Adaptive Boosting Lesson 20 - Adaptive Boosting
Clustering Methods: K-Means Clustering Lesson 21 - K Means Clustering
Data Pre-processing with K-Means Clustering Lesson 22 - Applications of K-Means Clustering (Part 1)
Image Segmentation with K-Means Clustering Lesson 22 - Applications of K-Means Clustering (Part 2)

Homework & Projects

Assignment Instructor Solution Student Solution
Homework 1 - NumPy TBD TBD
Homework 2 - Pandas Sol_Homework 2 - Pandas Sol_by_CDT_Lee
Homework 3 - Matplotlib & Seaborn Sol_Homework 3 - Matplotlib & Seaborn Sol_by_CDT_Kleine
Project 1 - LinReg & KNN Reg Project 1 - Solution Sol_by_CDT_Hudson
Project 2 - Classification Model Project 2 - Solution Sol_by_CDT_Humphries
Project 3 - COVID-19 Analysis Covid-19 Dashboard Humphries & Lee
Homework 4 - A 2 Layer Neural Net Homework 4 - Solution Sol_by_Cadet_Raftery

Cool Animations

Rmk: Right-click for a full view!

Gradient Descent


Demonstration of the KNN Clustering Algorithm